Sunny Inside Art Studio aria-label=

Have a hug

There's always someone thinking of you


Last x-mas my wife had a little bit of a difficult time at work. Since there was nothing more I could do for her at home I was thinking if she was reminded in the office that no matter how hard the day is at home there's only Love and warmth waiting for her it would make her work life a bit better.
A second version made it to her office however within a month the bluetack holding it in place weakend and the little hugger lost an arm. It was still fixable but sort of hinted at the short life span. Only several months later did I learn that the second fall was fatal. The many pieces it broke into could not be puzzled together. By then I've cast 4 keyrings in pewter two of which got only prettier by daily use so I was fairly certain that this would work.

There's also a resin version that shows much finer details which is very pleasing to my eyes since I know how the original looked like :-D

Lessons learnt
* Don't leave uncooked sculpey where your dog can reach it! - At the time we only had 1 puppy and she was trying to chew on anything and everything we touched. Since I spent an our on the figurine she must have thought it was some great treat...
* Sculpey breaks when it falls off the monitor - This isn't really a lesson since it's kinda obvious that 2-3 mm thick baked clay has no strength to speak of.
* Cast miniatures that need to last in metal when possible

*Scuplted in Castilene hard
*Mold is Easyl 3520
*Cast in lead free pewter

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